– Rise on Fire Fellowship Finder
Regathering the Scattered
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The map allows like-minded believers who would like to follow Yeshua (Jesus) in the fullness of Spirit & Truth to add their location on a map and find others who are close to them.
It can be hard finding fellowship, and so we hope this helps regather the scattered body of Messiah.
"I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile." (Jeremiah 29:14)
While anyone can add their marker to the map, you need to have a great desire to walk as Yeshua (Jesus). That means walking just as He walked (1 John 2:6), following both the instructions ("Torah") of our Father, combined with the leading of the Spirit that will both write the law on our hearts, and cause to walk in the spiritual giftings (1 Cor 12) that God has prepared for us.
This map is for those who would like to:
- Make disciples
- Find fellowship
- Learn to walk as Yeshua with other disciples
- Be "circumcised in heart" (Deut 10:6)
No. It is important to understand that due to the volume of people who join the map, we are unfortunately unable to verify every one. Therefore, just because someone identifies as a believer, does not mean that they may necessarily be compatible with your beliefs - we encourage you to judge a tree by its fruit (Luke 6:43).
While we trust that users have joined with a pure heart of making disciples, we ask that you always exercise caution when meeting strangers offline for the first time.
- Bring a friend along
- Always notify others who and where you are meeting
- Meet in a public and safe space